/ Guest post / Startup Earth Part 3: back to (modern day) basics

Startup Earth Part 3: back to (modern day) basics

It was on the last day of the gathering in Paris that God presented his pivot plan. A change in business strategy, supported by 195 people – representatives of all Earths user groups. As pointed out in part 2 of this trilogy, radical inclusion of all users and closed circular systems were the main pillars of this new course. The goal was to make Earth more than ramen profitable for all shareholders while creating abundance for its users.

A good thing that talented planet programmers were lining up to get the job done, eager as they were to get involved in this ambitious project. Heaps of programming needed to be done on short notice and many extra hands were needed. God was taking on more of a project management role this time, as coding changed quite dramatically since he initially created Earth.

Two days after the meeting in Paris the team started working full speed. One of the first things that got taken care of was kicking vaporware off the market, so that only true added value would get created. And for all subscribers. Corruptive bugs were removed from the system and the peers network got well and widely spread again.

Closing loops

In order to create this added value, resources were needed. Many of the raw materials acquired were already in the circle of stuff. The only thing needed was to close the loops, now that all raw materials would stay in the ground. Each linear system got turned into a circular equivalent. Waste was now food and old became new again. And all this value got created with energy from renewable sources. Other energy was no longer an option.

Since there were so many users who were interested in the same tools, the sharing earthology got implemented. A system of sharing in which access to usage is valued over ownership. It turned out that the internet, an earlier invention, was perfect for facilitating this sharing of resources. Everyone could see whenever which tool would be available and book it straight away.

Earth’s USP

This same internet got pushed to an ever higher level with the introduction of the Internet of (Energy) Things. All tools could now communicate with each other to enable smarter decision making. Windows were talking to central heating systems for advanced climate control by increasing and decreasing the produced heat in balance with the in- and decreasing levels of solar warmth. Gardens were telling their owners when to water their plants and vehicles were finding parking spaces on their own.

And to finish the pivot job, very important, all the adjusted settings of Earth’s unique selling points got programmed back to their original settings. Soil got repaired, oceans cleaned, and CO2 stored: recreating the conditions that attracted so many different kinds of users in the first place.

Five stars

It almost sounded to good to be true, but these relatively simple changes made a massive impact on the health of Earth’s systems and boosted the Earth User Experience rating to five stars. Resources were widely available again for everyone involved.

‘A big exit’ was becoming a very real possibility. Being after one of these was a typical thing for planetpreneurs, and usually a hot topic of conversation during meetups. A big exit would mean selling off the planet to a God of another, bigger, planet or Universe for a full bag of cash. Other possibilities were scaling up to other planets or tapping into a new Universe and trying to build up a bigger planet business before eventually selling it off.

God, being the idealist as he is, decided to go for the option of developing other planets and, eventually, universes. Although the Venus project had shown that simply transferring proven practice was not very successful – learning from failure – God believed that there would be incredible planet opportunities out there yet to be discovered. Planets waiting to be taken into Gods portfolio and turned into proper Garden’s of Eden, with its shareholders living in abundance in a sustainable manner. Into infinity.

Photo by Pieter van Marion (creative commons via Flickr)

Manon Monhemius

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