This page is a central repository of links to all information you need as a Dutch startup entrepreneur. The first version was created by the team behind StartupJuncture, with help from other people in the startup community. It is intended as a living document, so feel free to send updates and suggestions to sieuwert[@]

Finding startups

Dutch startup blogs

International startup blogs

Startup incubators and accelerators

The following list contains organisations that offer housing and more to startups. You typically need to apply to get accepted.

Job boards

Overview pages

Meetings and events

For a complete overview of one-off events, please check:

Office space

The following companies offer flexible office space, for instance for ad hoc meetings:

The page Launchdesk has a good overview of available work spaces for startups, including places like Boven De Balie, Rokin and Westergasfabriek.

Funding process and documentation

Capital Waters – free templates for startup deals
Equidam – valuation tool for startups that are setting up crowd funding campaigns
projectionhub – tool to generate cashflow projections. Not very startupspecific but useful if outsiders need cashflow projections



Do you have more useful links? Mail them to sieuwert[@] so we can add to this page.



Sieuwert van Otterloo
Sieuwert van Otterloo
Sieuwert van Otterloo is IT expert by day and startup enthusiast by night. IT expert via Softwarezaken | innovation expert via Node1 | editor and cofounder of StartupJuncture | member of StartupDelta | startup investor. Reach out to Sieuwert via otterloo @ gmail .com